Should Your Law Firm PPC Strategy Include Geofencing?

If you’re running PPC campaigns, you want to make sure they’re set to increase your ROI. Otherwise, you’re unintentionally losing money and draining your advertising budget.

Make the most of the opportunities in front of you! With geofencing marketing, you can improve your PPC campaigns. Ready to start reaching more clients?

Give your PPC campaign the boost it needs with geofencing advertising today!

Geofencing Tips

Here are a few easy strategies you can use to improve your geofencing advertising.

1. Don’t Super Focus

First, it’s important not to go too crazy with the settings. While there are many tools available for geofencing, targeting too tight can backfire. You don’t want to target such a small group that you don’t generate any results.

If you’re targeting is too tight, your ads won’t show up!

If you’re hyper-targeting with a small budget, your chance of reaching a large audience group decreases. Your PPC campaigns won’t attract website traffic, leaving you without leads.

The purpose of geofencing advertising is to help you pinpoint your target audience and exclude the rest.

In some cases, that can mean trial and error. Once you’ve set your target group, take a look at the metrics. Most PPC platforms will give you an estimate of how many people you’ll reach under those parameters.

If the expected target group looks too small, adjust your settings. Don’t hyperfocus with your targeting. Instead, you’ll want to find the middle group that helps you pinpoint your target audience.

2. Target by Time Zones

You don’t have to stick to one geofencing campaign. Instead, you might want to split your campaigns up by different time zones. This strategy is beneficial if you’re not in the same time zone as your target audience.

Make sure to adjust when your ads display each day. For example, you might only want your ads to show during your business hours. In that case, you’ll need to adjust the ad schedule for each campaign to reflect those hours.

If you’re targeting different time zones, make sure to have a different ad schedule for each campaign.

Otherwise, your campaigns will drain their daily budgets while you’re not even the office!

3. Refine by Markets

Do some of your targets perform similarly? If there’s a mass overlap between those markets, consider grouping those campaigns together. That way, you can consolidate your budget between those two campaigns.

When you’re working with a small budget, there’s a chance you’ll run out of money before the end of the day. As a result, your ads will stop showing. You’ll miss out on opportunities to attract new leads!

Instead, grouping similar campaigns can help increase your daily budget for those campaigns.

Make sure to take the time to consider which campaigns you’re grouping. Are the locations nearby? Are the audiences similar?

Make sure the campaigns target the same time zone, language, and use the same landing page. You don’t want to show a landing page dedicated to a specific location to the wrong audience.

4. Separate Essential Audiences

You might want to consider separating a specific audience group. For example, let’s say you’re targeting potential clients in a radius around your offices. Maybe you’re targeting an area because your biggest competitor is there.

In that case, you might want to separate those targeting parameters into their own campaign.

Make sure the targeting is large enough to capture enough traffic. Remember, hyper-targeting might not produce results.

5. Add Negatives

Don’t forget to add negative locations to your geofencing marketing campaigns. During this process, it’s important to avoid overlap. Otherwise, your campaigns might not run effectively.

First, exclude locations where you know your audience isn’t located. For example, you might want to remove locations if you’re looking for clients who can afford your services.

Next, exclude location-specific terms. Add cities, area names, zip codes, street names, and tourist destinations into a negative keyword list. Make sure these negatives are surrounded by quotations, which indicates they’re an exact match.

Using negative keywords and targeting will help improve your targeting. You can focus on the people most likely to become clients. That way, you don’t have to waste away your daily budget on people who don’t fit your target audience.

6. Choose the Right Method

When developing a geofencing advertising campaign, you have a few different target options.

First, you can consider people within your target location. Choosing the “People in Your Target Location” option will show ads only to people physically within that location.

Next, there’s the “People Who Show Interest in Your Target Location” option. This choice includes people who aren’t physically within your location. This option is ideal if you’re trying to target people who might visit your location in the future.

Choosing both options will increase your target audience. While it’s broader targeting, it’s not recommended. Instead, consider separating the two options and using controlled budgets.

7. Adjust Over Time

One of the biggest mistakes people make with PPC is “setting and forgetting it.” Make sure to return to your campaigns regularly.

Which geofencing settings and working? Which ones are failing to generate results?

Compare your campaigns to determine which tactics are working and which aren’t. Then, you can use your positive data to make improvements with your low-performing campaigns.

It’s also important to review your search queries regularly. Which keywords are prospective clients using when searching for your legal practice? Which of those search queries turned into leads?

Adjusting your campaign regularly will help you maximize your results. At the same time, you can improve your campaigns to reduce wasted spend!

Geofencing Marketing: Your Strategy for Pinpointing Clients

Ready to reach more clients than ever before? With these geofencing marketing tips, you can improve your PPC campaigns and reach your ideal audience. Get targeting with these tips today.

Eager to get started? Contact us today for a free proposal!

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